Chlausblitz 2024
This year’s Christmas special attracted a record of 28 players !
With Christmas cookies and goodies made by Arthur and wines and oranges brought by René, it was again a success.
Sacha kept his blitz-master title, getting ahead of very strong concurrence.

Chlausblitz 2.12.2024 - Save the date !
Unser traditioneller Weihnachtsspecial, das Chlausblitz, findet dieses Jahr am 2. Dezember statt. 🎅
Spiel mit ! Wir haben auch immer leckere Weihnachtsguetzlis 🍪
Our traditional Christmas special, the Chlausblitz, takes place on 2nd of December. 🎅
Join us ! We will also have delicious Christmas cookies 🍪
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