Wer ist wer?
René Rüegg René Rüegg

Wer ist wer?

Nimzowitsch zu Beginn der 80er-Jahre. Im Bild die Spieler von Nimzo 2, die viele Jahre erfolgreich in der Nati B spielten. Manche von ihnen kommen nach über 40 Jahren immer noch zu den Klubabenden. Bloss wer sind sie?

Giannis 2nd at Seebach
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Giannis 2nd at Seebach

Giannis was 2nd at the first Seebach rapid invitational. Good first tournament for new joiner Vincent too

Chlausblitz 2024
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Chlausblitz 2024

This year’s Christmas special attracted a record of 28 players !

With Christmas cookies and goodies made by Arthur and wines and oranges brought by René, it was again a success.

Sacha kept his blitz-master title, getting ahead of very strong concurrence.

Chlausblitz 2.12.2024 - Save the date !
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Chlausblitz 2.12.2024 - Save the date !

Unser traditioneller Weihnachtsspecial, das Chlausblitz, findet dieses Jahr am 2. Dezember statt. 🎅
Spiel mit ! Wir haben auch immer leckere Weihnachtsguetzlis 🍪

Our traditional Christmas special, the Chlausblitz, takes place on 2nd of December. 🎅
Join us ! We will also have delicious Christmas cookies 🍪

Registration at Chessmanager

Pfingstgambit in Horb
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Pfingstgambit in Horb

Thomas Heerd played a very nice tournament in Horb, Germany. From start rank 10 he reached final rank 5! Here are his impressions.

Felix Schwab is the new club champion
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Felix Schwab is the new club champion

At our annual general assembly on May 13th we discussed many news, re-elected the board, and celebrated the year’s best performances. Felix is our new club champion!

Bundesturnier 2024
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Bundesturnier 2024

10 Nimzos participated in the Bundesturnier 2024.
Brilliant 5th place for Alister Smith in the Hauptturnier 2!
Sweet revenge for Christoph Drechsler over long time adversary Bruno Kamber.

Chlausblitz 2023
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Chlausblitz 2023

Wir spielten 9 Runden 5+0-Blitz und wurden von Arthur und seiner Partnerin mit elsässischen und moldauischen Weinen sowie mit Wiehnachtsguetzli verwöhnt.

Playing blitz in the land of wine
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

Playing blitz in the land of wine

Whenever I’m travelling, I’m looking for chess opportunities. On my last travel to Moldova, I played a blitz tournament. I thanked them for the welcome with many blitz rating points. #talentedkids

A star at the chess board
Arthur Toenz Arthur Toenz

A star at the chess board

Our dear friend Aly Cha visited us on the 12th of June with a very special guest, an Emmy-awarded Hollywood star. Can you guess who?
